Sunday, July 15, 2018

Massive Counterclockwise river of Arctic Ocean sea ice floods Beaufort sea

~All while there are at least 2 clockwise gyres or sea ice vortices near by.
We can note that the near entirety of Arctic Ocean pack is turning counterclockwise,  except about Beaufort Sea receiving a gradually thinning pack coming from Russia, before that from the North Atlantic.  There are 2 smaller clockwise Gyres North of Alaska, but the main influx of ridging is towards its shores giving the illusion that this years melt is slow.  In fact as this JAXA June 28 to July 14 animation demonstrates,  the  Central Russian open water pack has vanished because of melting and the Ostrov Komsomolets Islands and Ozera Taymyr Peninsula acting like an ice dam,  and so goes for East Siberian Islands.  Once foreseen switching back to dominant High pressure North of Alaska will return,  the compaction will be ruthless in the other turning direction.  A couple of things to note:  The Normal Arctic Ocean Gyre has been overtaken,  Banks Island no longer creates open water by its circulation,   is extraordinary that Beaufort Sea has open water at all, the source of broken up sea ice appears endless at the moment.  In addition to Beaufort sea,  new Fram Strait's are now in Chukchi and Bering seas,  the North Atlantic sea water not receiving any sea ice can only warm further for extreme melting and be on the ready for when the Gyre driven Transpolar drift resumes.WD July 15 2018 

Viewed from space dark sea ice is toast, but may last a long time

We know the sea ice formed late in Barrow Strait,  this ice was thin at maxima in May (not like overall extent of  all sea ice),  made thinner by extra snow layer. Eventually it disappeared on July 7 2018, but for a persistent thin zone South of the Island, mainly in blackish.  The older in age first year ice has greyer shades.   These surviving sheets should eventually melt and disintegrate.  So did the blacker sheet at about July 12.

    If we compare these mechanics to the larger over all sea ice areas,  we now must look for the tell tell black shade depicting thinner sea ice. WD July 16 2018

Friday, July 13, 2018

Beaufort rapid retreat met by thinning sea ice replenishment

~Super fast 140 nautical miles in 8 days
~10 .8 nautical miles a day

Top of GIF June 25 to July 8 rapid sea ice retreat is met by equally fast pack ice replenishment    But the quick velocity pack is thinning and is running out of replacement capacity.  It has been this kind of melt in this area.

The retreat in Beaufort is met by a contrarian recently created wind current in Bering sea adjoining Alaska. This creates an ever so smaller compaction block as Bering sea is warm.WD July13 2018

Monday, July 9, 2018

Hollowing from within at 80 degrees North, the untold story

~Longitude 147 degrees West
~ Severe movement is destroying the fabric of stable sea ice

    2012 greatest melt in history  , about 80 North 147 West,  more or less stable sea ice which mostly all melted at maxima.

  2012 same date and location there is movement ,  as one big unified sheet.

    Same date same frame capture but 2018,  really broken up sea ice.  This a feauture of 2018 current melt.

     With much more open water barely recognizable sea ice structures  moving individually much faster,  not at all like 2012.  A completely unstable configuration prone to absorbing more sun rays  since there is much more open water.  On record,  the 15% extent  rule makes this nearly 100% sea ice.WD July 9 2018

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sea ice extent analysis should be holistic

~Given the tools we have ,   ie the lack of proper ressources and using archaic meant for another era measuring methods,  we must study sea ice more profoundly.

2012 did not have coldest CTNP over the CAA in 20 years,  therefore a massive ice imprint,  much more significant than 2012,  as we can see,  with 2018 easily 400,000 km2 wide:

2012 sea ice same day looked emaciated and vanished. 

Before we judge 2018 extent magnificent recovery,  we must think of winter past,  when the lower CAA was really seasonally cold or colder.  Despite the entire Arctic Ocean being exposed with warmest weather. WDJuly 8 2018

Friday, July 6, 2018

Possible rudimentary ice thickness measurement mistakes requiring a revision

~We look here at specific sea ice anomaly charts versus actual observations which contradict each other

    First brought up June 10,

    PIOMAS May 2018 ice thickness anomaly map was exposed to have major flaws around Novaya Zemlya Island Russia.   Now we look at the whole region,    Note  all the JAXA July 5 NE passage water  (right) was once in said to be reddest thickest sea ice anomalies portrayed below:                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

                 I would suggest thicker snow layer on top of red sea ice zones as one of possible or the major explanation causing erroneous ice thickness  estimates. WD July 6 2018

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Supercomputers are no good at flipping coins. Can't grasp what a CTNP is.

~Supercomputers are perfect,  but without a threshold of consciousness , they need ears and observation skills.

~Missed massive positive temperature anomaly for half of North America.
~Computer shows that it has no cognizance capable of recognizing a Vortex circulation.

Here is one of accuweather's  latest sketch:

   A dangerous ,  certainly multiple record shattering heat wave for North America.  We note especially the green cooler zone North of  the Great Lakes, is where the Canadian Arctic Archipelago CTNP lies (Cold Temperature North Pole,  fancy highly technical description simplification for the Polar Vortex),   which dominated the North American and Northern Hemisphere weather circulation most times since November 2017.  So how come the same super computers long term forecast gave this:

  Amazingly weird Accuweather long term forecast,  seems the model did not realize that the "below" blue zone temperatures was accurate,  and can only be part of a vortex structure strangely mangled winter like,  since Baffin Island can't be warmer like this in summer, when influx is from very cold North Atlantic.  Note the "Above" zones,  at least almost got State of Maine right.  Essentially a Vortex circulation is counterclockwise,  would drag much warmer air towards the Northeast to the South of it.

    NOAA July 2 temperature anomaly,  look at Baffin Island and Western North America.  This is exact picture of what as CTNP would do in summer.  Colder to its Southwest warmer to its Southeast.

   Therefore I would kindly request supercomputer to read my yearly April projection,  should not be that hard,  I read the models crunching's daily,  reading my humble forecast once a year should not be much of an effort...

Note NOAA + ECMWF models also got it wrong,  not only Accuweather but Weather Underground as well, it was foreseen as such:

Please note sensational new methods which enabled me to crack the temperature resolution syndrome:

Also my rudimentary sketches which turned out to be accurate:

    Note to human experts,  is nice to beat the computers at something,  I only win at computer chess 3% at the time.WD July 3,2018

Massive more static ice pans or fast moving broken up sea ice, which ice-scape melts fastest? Answer found in 2007

We first look at 2012 July 2 pack Just North of Beaufort sea:

2012 melted more in place, with extremely large pack ice pans, sign of slower movement.
   Same location July 2 2018, this static image is misleading, the sea ice is moving very fast, compressing in some parts scattering in others. Sun rays are effectively penetrating in the core pack more than 2012. There is a lot of 2018 open water not measured by the 15% rule as well.
   Beaufort sea 2007 end of June till mid July,  pack ice 2007 was more like 2018 than 2012.  But with apparent slower movement.  We know the great sea ice vanishing result in 2007,  which had more extent of much thicker sea ice than 2018 on July 2.  This indicates a strong melt is in the cards for 2018....WD July 3 2018

Monday, July 2, 2018

Velocity driven sea ice, apparent slow incremental melting is about to change suddenly

  Beaufort sea,  there was more open water a while back,  sea ice is constantly replenished until it becomes too scattered which evidently is demonstrated here with JAXA extent June 28,30 and July 1 (the darkest sketch).  Eventually the ice will melt further as it disperses,  it is surely a most effective way of melting sea ice but takes more time to show.     Western entrance of the Northwest passage will show very few clues about this if observed from Banks Island Canada.  Basically one static sheet of sea ice reflects more light than broken up ice pack.  Of course a more static sheet would allow an un-intruded area of sea water to warm further,  but the melting goes slow at the main pack shore area. Here we have sea water warming up deep within the pack core.  As this animation demonstrates,  eventually a greater deal of the loose pack will be infiltrated by warmed surface water unmixed by winds.  WD July 2 2018

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Dark Bering sea ice trap, super melting

~While we contemplate the bigger picture,  apparently more sea ice than 2012?
~Whilst Beaufort sea gets flooded with rapidly moving sea ice
~A giant melt machine is in place

  Whilst summer in progress, already forgotten last winter Bering Strait lack of sea ice has already started a melt factory:

Bering Strait 2018 has much more open water than 2012,  2018 has much much faster Gyre current than 2012,  the combination is doom for sea ice at that location:

June 21 to July 1 2018 rapid sea ice melt in progress,  the gyre sends its badly broken up sea ice  over warmed up waters from the left (Alaska),  on its way clockwise it melts over more ancient warmer water,  leaving but open water in its wake.  WD July 1,2018