~ Early Great Blue gaining on sea ice not only for Beaufort sea
Sea ice loss North of Franz Josef lands top, more than 100 km between May 17 and May 29 2016, May 17 is the photo with less sea ice.
Courtesy NASA EOSDIS The apparent Northwards expansion of the North Atlantic is really the
drift of the the entire sea ice pack towards Fram Strait (bottom left). What is unusual may be judged by sea ice fluidity,
mobility or lack of cohesion, entirely due to warmer temperatures and the collapse of thinner sea ice , usually the "glue" slowing or keeping the pack more consolidated. This sort of movement always normally occurs in August or late July.
DMI 80 North data can thus be affected by necessarily warmer air gaining a greater area North of 80 degrees latitude:

This graph may indicate a larger colder area over the main pack, the more open water changes the over all analysis. It would be preferable to have a similar Graph covering surface temperatures 85 latitude Northwards. WD May 29, 2016. |
Post news:
June 14 EOSDIS, the 2nd melt front appears to have filled with loose pack sea ice spread out because temperatures have warmed much further. Consolidation lost, sometimes extent values may give a false idea about current sea ice action. Make no mistakes in judgement, this is the greatest melt in history. It comes with scattering of loose ice, from that point, greater clouds are possible, although not lasting because air temperatures are too warm. WD June 14,2016
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