September 21 location VVVVVVV
I calculate 30.6 nautical miles displacement in 5 days, note ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ big pan on September 16 just above (86.57N 109.29E). It travelled on average more than 6 nautical miles a day, very rapid rate AGAINST the Transpolar Stream Current. It means that there is a lot of grey ice and floating snow between the broken packs . If grey areas was new sea ice they would completely cover the gaps, But if it is floating snow or grey ice the leeward side would be full while the windward (towards the bottom of this page) open, the open water locations change so it is likely floating snow which changes in texture with time and exposure. Sea ice would set easier on the windward because pack ice offers no waves and a wind shade facilitating freeze-up more.
83 N 112W smack in the middle of densest but de-coiled pack ice, with temperatures between -10 to -17 C , still has open water (by movement) with a daily displacement of 3 nautical miles a day, a very rapid rate for dense pack indeed. But with new sea ice, recognized by drifting snow on top of it.
The flow is equally rapid seen by open leads amongst loose pummeled pack. The Goodbye Waves are less expansive than before, but there are many of them. WD September 22, 2016