EH2R - latest work in progress
Friday, February 7, 2014
Circulation GAME CHANGER: El-Nino looms
~Certainty is growing in upcoming El-Nino ~Cloud seeds in the high Arctic starting to show at 4 degrees above the horizon Dr M...
Thursday, January 30, 2014
TWIN CTNP's winter's much smaller coldest grip
~Weakens winter were it should be strongest ~Creates smaller atmospheric mesoscale regions susceptible to migrate along the real polar ...
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Sunday, January 12, 2014
Count the calories, Arctic sea ice needs a heat diet.
Looking back, at December 1981 when the Arctic Ocean sea ice was much thicker, we can see the outline of this vastly thicker sea ice wit...
Monday, January 6, 2014
Current North American "Polar Vortex" media definition not quite accurate
Wikipedia definition : "A polar vortex (also known as mignogno cyclones , polar vortices , Arctic cyclones , sub-polar cyclon...
Sunday, October 6, 2013
CLOUDS major play; explains a cool 2013 Arctic summer and warm Arctic fall.
~ENSO split NORTH SOUTH bipolar personality, south Atlantic hurricane killer ~Global Warming may not be explained in simple terms, one mu...
Friday, May 10, 2013
SEA ICE phase changes mimicked by the vertically shifting horizon
~Seeing the thermal effects helps explain the sea ice melt ~ A series of May 2013 days remove the veil from thermal variance mysteries ...
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Significant dropping horizon near the North Pole.
~ A lowering of the horizon with the sun risen by 3.1 degrees ~ Likely what is not seen which causes stronger than expected effect ...
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Data gathered from Optical Refraction above sea ice. An introduction
~ Pre paper basics presentation. ~ Ice formation is not strictly the result of colder temperatures Unlike surface water, sea ice ha...
Friday, November 23, 2012
EH2r pre-journal work in progress
Coming soon... Pre Peer reviewed Article construction site For science journal editors, those who actually look for interesting ar...
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