Thursday, March 13, 2025

Very bright twilight or possible sunrise beginning of long day at the North Pole, 8 days before March 21

 ~Atmospheric refraction bends Earth's Terminator

~ Likely enough to cause a sunrise after long night. 

   March 13 2025 NOAA Satellite HRPT Visual Loop, shows the Terminator line, that is the border between night and day as the Earth rotates, here is a North Pole view. The terminator line is not straight, reflecting the varying atmospheric refraction properties which also depends on sea ice thickness. 2025 sea is likely at all time thinnest levels,  a very thick icescape would easily bring out a North Pole  sun on March 13,  however a very cold surface air just below much warmer air would do the same even with thinner sea ice. So it is a matter of being there at the North Pole to confirm this.   In this example, there was a stagnant pool of cold air spanning from Greenland to the Pole. This was enough to bend the terminator at the Pole,  therefore  a strong possibility that the sun line is present. 

     Same loop NOAA HRPT infrared.  Just North of Ellesmere Island is almost to North Pole "white zone", seasonal cold air,  being mixed with approaching cyclones from the North and the South.  This cold gives an imprint on the ice,  certainly capable of changing the horizon significantly especially after a sudden warming. 

 On a certain March 13 in the late 1980's a very capable de Havilland  pilot named Russell, flew near the Pole to confirm that it was bright enough to land a plane there.  There was enough contrast resolution to land an aircraft on natural sea ice while refraction surfing the light rays beyond earths shadow.WD March 13 2025

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