EH2R - latest work in progress
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Sea ice thermal flux profiles , as demonstrated by the horizon.
~Part 1 , sea water to very thin sea ice ~ An attempt to explain what happens at the sea to air interface when sea ice forms I was g...
Thursday, May 7, 2015
It is shaping up like 2007
~Warmest NorthWest passage spring and the creation of a circulation Dipole Latest EH2r refraction Upper Air of NW passage data is war...
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Latent heat of fusion complexities
~In search of intricate thermal patterns within sea ice. Latest refraction observations do not always match mass buoys data at similar...
Saturday, April 25, 2015
HOW to find underground frozen water on Mars - Without NASA rover drills
-A thin atmosphere misgivings in optical height variances is surely compensated by huge diurnal temperature variations. The long time q...
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Annual SPRING/SUMMER projection by potent refraction methods and other means
~Its hard to interpret complex thermal systems, even harder to foresee what they will do. ~Warmest summer in history to come makes it som...
Sunday, April 12, 2015
First High Arctic SEA ICE Underside Melt 2015
~Earlier than 2014 and 2011 later than 2010 and 2012 ~ Made different by lack of surface snow ~ Interpretations from multi-coupled therm...
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Review of last years projections (in Red)
"S ummer early winter 2014 Refraction and by other means Projection " 2015 review ~WHAT is the SCORE? ~Distinct Upp...
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